«Q& A» 20.11.2018 It`s nearly been 3 months since I left my home-country now and all in all, it`s going really well! I am well aware that I am 5240 kilometers away from my family and friends, but I still feel really connected and close to them, ish. I actually had no idea what to write for this post, but I decided to show you and answer some of the many questions I've gotten as a foreigner here in Canada. 1. What is the strange letter in your name? (My name is Karen Ringkj ø b Ø stgaard :) ) 🈵🈶 This is one of the questions I have gotten the most, and it's always super entertaining to hear Canadians attempt to pronounce my name. The Norwegian alphabet actually has 29 letters instead of 26. These additional letters are Æ, Ø and Å. I don't have the answer to why we have these letters and other languages doesn't, because these sounds are used in many other languages as well! I found a music video made by some other Norwegians that may explain the concep...
Showing posts from December, 2018